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Workers Compensation Benefits. Temporary Total Disability Benefits (TTD Benefits) For Injured Workers & Employees.

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Temporary Total Disability Benefits (TTD Benefits) Under The Illinois Workers Compensation System

Temporary Total Disability Benefits are workers compensation benefits that an injured worker receives while the employee is off work, recovering from the work injury. Specifically, Temporary Total Disability Benefits is the benefit that the injured worker gets when he or she is temporarily unable to return to any work, as indicated by his or her doctor, or is released to do light-duty work but whose employer is unable to accommodate him or her.

How To Calculate The Amount of Temporary Total Disability Benefits

The Temporary Total Disability Benefit amount is generally calculated based on 2/3 of the employees average gross weekly wage, subject to certain minimums and maximums.  The employer pays Temporary total disability benefits to an injured worker until the worker has returned to his or her job or has reached maximum medical improvement MMI.

In general, an injured worker’s average weekly wage is based on his or her pre-tax gross wages in the 52 weeks prior to the date of injury, but the calculation can vary depending on the facts of any specific case.

When Should An Employer Make Temporary Total Disability Payments

Within fourteen days of receiving notice of an employees injury, an employer should begin making Temporary Total Disability payments.  The injured employee should be paid the Temporary Total Disability benefits at the same interval (i.e., weekly, biweekly, etc.) he or she was being paid before getting injured.

If the employer does not promptly pay Temporary Total Disability benefits and cannot justify the delay in payment and/or if the employer stops paying Temporary Total Disability benefits before the employee returns to work and fails to provide the injured employee a written explanation no later than the date of the last Temporary Total Disability payment, the employee may be able to petition an arbitrator to assess penalties and/or attorneys’ fees.

If you were injured in an accident at work in Illinois and were temporarily unable to return to work or were released to do light-duty work but your employer was unable to accommodate you, a workers compensation attorney or lawyer may be able to help you recover Temporary Total Disability benefits.

If You Or A Loved One Were Injured At Work, You May Be Entitled To Temporary Total Disability Benefits From Your Employer. Contact A Workers Compensation Lawyer. 

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