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Workers Compensation Benefits. Temporary Partial Disability Benefits (TPD) For Injured Workers & Employees

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Temporary Partial Disability Benefits (TPD Benefits) Under The Illinois Workers Compensation System

Temporary Partial Disability Benefits are workers compensation benefits that an injured worker receives while the employee is recovering from the injury (i.e., still healing) but working on light duty for less compensation (earning less than he or she would earn in the pre-injury employment).  An injured employee who is entitled to temporary partial disability benefits will receive them until the employee has reached maximum medical improvement or has returned to his or her regular job.

How To Calculate The Amount of Temporary Partial Disability Benefits

The Temporary Total Disability Benefit amount is generally calculated based on two-thirds of the difference between the average amount the employee would be able to earn in the pre-injury job(s) and the amount he or she earns in the light-duty job (it is the gross amount for injuries on or after June 28, 2011 and net amount for work injuries before that date), subject to certain minimums and maximums.

For example, if a worker was making $900 per week at the time of the workplace injury (his or her pre-injury average weekly wage), his or her job pay increased to $925 per week while the injured employee was off work recovering (his or her current average weekly wage of his or her pre-injury job), and earned $500 per week when he or she returned to light-duty work (his or her post-injury gross pay), the wage differential would be $925 less $500, or $425 and the Temporary Total Disability Benefit amount would be 2/3 of $425, or $283.33 per week.

If you were injured in an accident at work in Illinois and worked on light duty for less compensation (earning less than you would earn before your injury) while you were still recovering from the injury, a workers comp lawyer or work accident attorney may be able to help you recover temporary partial disability benefits.

If You Or A Loved One Were Injured At Work, You May Be Entitled To Temporary Partial Disability Benefits From Your Employer. Contact A Workers Compensation Lawyer. 

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