If You Or A Loved One Were Injured Or Died in an Accident At Work, Connect With An Illinois Work Accident Lawyer or Attorney. You May Be Entitled To Recover Money From A Work Accident Claim.
Employees injured in work accidents that arise out of and in the course of employment are generally eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits in Illinois. In general, that means that the workers compensation law covers injuries and diseases that result in whole or in part from an employee’s work.
Specifically, in the “course of employment” means the time, place and circumstances surrounding the injury. In other words, for an accident to be compensable, the work injury generally must occur within the time and space boundaries of the employment.
“Arising out of” the employment basically means that the injury had its origin in some risk connected with, or incidental to, the employment so as to create a causal connection between the employment and the accidental injury. Stated another way, an injury arises out of one’s employment if, at the time of the occurrence, the employee was performing acts he was instructed to perform by his employer, acts which he had a common law or statutory duty to perform, or acts which the employee might reasonably be expected to perform incident to his assigned duties. A risk is incidental to the employment where it belongs to or is connected with what an employee has to do in fulfilling his duties.
Common Types Of Work Related Accidents.
Although the types of work accidents that workers and employees may be injured in are countless, some types of work accidents are more common than others. For example, depending on the type of occupation or industry involved, accidents at work often involve one or more of the following physical activities:
- Overexertion
- Repetitive motion or repeated physical trauma
- Heavy lifting or lowering
- Contact with objects, equipment or machinery
- Being struck by or against an object
- Being hit by a falling object
- Smacked by discharged or flying object
- Caught or crushed in collapsing structure, equipment or material
- Caught in or compressed in equipment or machines
- Falls, slips and trips
- Fires and explosions and gas leaks
- Transportation accidents
- Violence by persons or animals
- Exposure to harmful substances or environments
When accidents do happen at work, they often involve involve physical contact with equipment, machinery, tools and other objects or substances related to the work being done such as:
- Chemicals, fumes, electricity
- Containers
- Furniture or fixtures
- Parts and materials
- Floors, walkways and ground surfaces
- Ladders, scaffholding and platforms
- Handtools
- Construction equipment (cranes, bulldozers, jackhammers, nail guns, etc.)
- Vehicles and trucks
- Ceiling (ceiling collapsed)
- Carts, dollys, hand trucks
- Heavy loads
- Logging equipment
- Fishing equipment
- Electrical power lines
- Farming equipment
- Roofing
- Trench collapses
These are only examples of some of the more common types of work accidents. If you have been injured in an accident at work in Illinois, an Illinois workers compensation lawyer or attorney may be able to help you recover money to compensate you for your work accident injuries.
If You Or A Loved One Were Injured Or Died in An Accident at Work, Contact An Illinois Work Accident Attorney or Lawyer. You May Be Able To Recover Money From An Illinois Work Accident Claim.
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