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Workers Compensation Benefits. Permanent Total Disability Benefits (PTD) For Injured Workers & Employees.

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Permanent Total Disability Benefits (PTD) Under The Illinois Workers Compensation System. 

Permanent Total Disability Benefits are workers compensation benefits for an injured employee who is rendered permanently unable to work.  A permanent and total disability can result in devastating medical care costs and substantial loss of income to the injured employee and his or her family.

Permanent total disability benefits include:

  • The permanent and complete loss of use of both hands, both arms, both feet, both legs, both eyes, or any two such parts, e.g., one leg and one arm; or
  • A complete disability that renders the employee permanently unable to do any kind of work for which there is a reasonably stable employment market.

How To Calculate Permanent Total Disability Benefits

An injured workers who is permanently and totally disabled is generally entitled to a weekly permanent total disability benefit equal to two-thirds of his or her average weekly wage, for life, subject to certain minimums and maximums.

Injured employees receiving a permanent total disability benefit may also be eligible for certain cost-of-living adjustments. If the permanently injured employee returns to work or is able to return to work, the employer may file a petition to modify or terminate the permanent total disability benefits.

If you have suffered a permanent and complete loss of two hands, arms, feet, legs or eyes or a complete disability rendering you permanently unable to do any work, as result of an accident at work in Illinois, an Illinois workers compensation attorney or worker’s compensation lawyer may be able to help you recover permanent total disability benefits.

If You Or A Loved One Were Injured At Work And Have Become Permanently Disabled, You May Be Entitled To Permanent Total Disability Benefits From Your Employer. Contact A Workers Compensation Lawyer. 

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