Are You Entitled To Recover Money From An Illinois Personal Injury Lawsuit?
A team of Illinois personal injury lawsuit attorneys is investigating personal injury lawsuit claims of individuals and families in Illinois who have suffered serious personal injuries or death as a result of an Illinois personal injury accident. Each year thousands of people are injured or die in Illinois personal injury accidents.
If you or a loved one were injured or died in a personal injury accident in Illinois, you may be able to recover money in an Illinois personal injury lawsuit.
Recovering Compensation From Illinois Personal Injury Lawsuits.
A person who brings a personal injury lawsuit (a “plaintiff”) and successfully litigates the case to verdict at trial, by establishing that the person or entity he or she sued (i.e., the defendant) is liable for causing the injuries sustained, generally may recover an amount of money that will reasonably and fairly compensate him or her for the damages proximately caused by the negligence or wrongful conduct of the defendant.
Ultimately, the amount of any such award is determined by the jury or judge, considering the nature, extent and duration of the injury sustained and the aggravation of any pre-existing ailments or conditions. Most cases, of course, never make it to trial or verdict. The amount of money that may be recovered in personal injury lawsuits that are not tried to verdict is instead dictated by the terms of the agreement of the parties in a personal injury settlement.
A plaintiff filing a personal injury lawsuit in Illinois may be able to recover monetary compensation for having experienced and/or being reasonably certain to experience in the future, the following:
- Disfigurement
- Disability
- Loss of normal life
- The increased risk of future harm
- Shortened life expectancy
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Medical expenses
- Loss of earnings or profits
- Caretaking expenses
- Property damage
In certain situations that involve intentional or willful and wanton conduct by the defendant, a plaintiff who establishes liability in a personal injury lawsuit in Illinois may recover money in the form of punitive damages in an amount sufficient to punish the tortfeasor and and discourage others from engaging in similar conduct in the future.
In a successful wrongful death lawsuit, family members (spouse or next-of-kin children) of the deceased victim are generally entitled to recover the amount of money that will reasonably and fairly compensate them for the pecuniary loss (i.e., the loss of money, benefits, goods, services and society) resulting from the death.
Types of Illinois Personal Injury Lawsuits.
Illinois personal injury lawsuits potentially being investigated by Illinois personal injury lawyers, include the following types of personal injury law suits:
- Auto and car accident lawsuits
- Motorcycle accident lawsuit
- Bicycle accident lawsuits
- Railroad, train, railway & subway accident lawsuits
- Tractor trailer, eighteen 18 wheeler and semi truck accident lawsuits
- Bus accident lawsuits
- Boating accident lawsuits
- Aviation, airplane & plane crash injury lawsuits
- Construction accident lawsuits
- Medical malpractice lawsuits
- Worker’s compensation lawsuits
- Slip and fall lawsuit
- Chicago personal injury lawsuits
- Other Illinois personal injury lawsuit cases.
If You Or Your Loved Ones Have Been Injured In Illinois And You Think You Might Qualify For An Illinois Personal Injury Lawsuit, Contact An Illinois Personal Injury Attorney or Lawyer.
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