If You Were In A Vehicle That Was In A Head On Collision And Suffered Injury As A Result of the Head On Crash, You May Be Able To Recover Money In A Lawsuit or Settlement. Connect With An Illinois Car Accident Lawyer or Attorney.
A team of Illinois car accident lawyers and attorneys is investigating potential personal injury lawsuit and settlement claims of individuals and families who were drivers or passengers in an automobile that was involved in a head on collision and who have suffered injury as a result of the head on crash.
If you have been injured after the motor vehicle you were driving or riding in as a passenger was in a head on collision with another motor vehicle, a car accident lawyer or attorney may be able to help you recover money to compensate you for injuries sustained as a result of being in a head on collision.
Types Of Head On Collisions
A head on collision is a car accident in which the front end of two motor vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide or crash into each other. A head on collision often occurs when a motor vehicle crosses a median or centerline and crashes into an oncoming car, truck, bus or other vehicle. A head-on crash can also result from one driver driving the wrong way down a street, road or highway lane. Head on collisions sometimes result from a driver being run off the road, from a driver failing to handle a curve in the road or as a result of one car trying to pass another on a two lane road. Most head-on crashes occur on rural roads, and in particular, undivided two-lane rural roads. Head on collisions also commonly occur on highway ramps and construction work zones.
Illinois car accident attorneys and auto accident lawyers are investigating the following types of head on car accidents in Illinois, among others:
- Head on collision with a semi truck
- Head on collision with a 18 wheeler
- Head on collision with a bus
- Head on collision with a tractor trailer
- Head on collision with a car
- Other types of head on collisions and head on car crashes
Head On Collision Injuries
Although head on collisions occur less frequently than other types of car crashes, when they do occur they often result in very serious bodily injury and even death. Head on collisions can result in substantial injuries and damages, especially high speed head on collisions at 40, 50, 60 or 70 mph or even faster. However, even at slow speeds, head on car crashes can be catastrophic and result in fatalities.
Some of the more common types of injuries suffered by those who were in a vehicle that was hit head on by another vehicle include:
- Whiplash
- Head or facial injury after airbag deployed
- Trauma from hitting steering wheel or windshield
- Knee or ankle injuries as a result of bracing for impact
- Soft tissue injuries
- Brain damage
- Head, neck and back injuries
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Leg pain
- Jaw pain
- Shoulder pain
- Spinal cord injury
- Nerve damage
- Broken bones or ribcage
- Paralysis
- Internal organ injuries
- Concussion
- Headaches
- Facial disfigurement
- Death
- Other types of head on car accident injury and damage
Request a Free Confidential Review By An Illinois Car Accident Lawyer.
If you or a loved one suffered serious injury, loss, damage or death as a result of being in a head on collision in Illinois, you may be able to bring an Illinois car accident personal injury case or Illinois wrongful death lawsuit to recover compensation. An Illinois personal injury lawyer can help you determine whether you have a car accident lawsuit case or settlement claim or wrongful death suit, who may be liable for the car accident injuries, whether you may be able to sue someone who was involved in the head on collision, whether you might be able to recover compensation in the form of money damages, and answer questions you may have about Illinois car accident lawsuits and settlements.
If You Or A Loved One Have Been Injured Or Died After Being In A Head On Collision In Illinois, Contact An Illinois Car Accident Attorney Or Lawyer.
Fill Out The Form On The Right For A Free Illinois Car Accident Injury Lawsuit Case Review.