If Someone You Love Was Killed In A Fatal Car Accident, You May Be Able To Recover Money In A Wrongful Death Lawsuit or Settlement. Connect With An Illinois Car Accident Lawyer or Attorney.
A team of Illinois personal injury lawyers and attorneys is investigating potential personal injury lawsuit and settlement claims of those whose loved ones and family members died as a result of a fatal car accident.
If someone in your family was killed in a fatal car crash, a car accident lawyer or attorney may be able to help you recover money in an Illinois wrongful death lawsuit or settlement and/or the decedent’s estate in a survival action.
Fatal Car Accident Facts
Hundreds of people die in car accidents in Illinois every year. According to Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) crash facts, more than two people are killed per day in a fatal car crash.
The greatest number of fatal car accidents occur on Sunday, followed by Saturday and Friday. More than half of all fatal car accidents in Illinois occur between the hours of 4:00 P.M. and 3:59 A.M. The average number of persons killed per day significantly increases on Holidays such as Memorial Day Weekend, Fourth of July, Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.
Almost a third of fatal car accidents involved drunk driving or driving under the influence of alcohol (“DUI”) or driving while intoxicated (“DWI”). Nearly one third of fatal car crashes also involved speeding.
Types of Fatal Car Crashes
Fatal car accidents most commonly involve deaths that occur when a vehicle crashes into a fixed object, when a car is involved in a head on collision with another vehicle, when an automobile strikes a pedestrian or bicyclist, when a motor vehicle is hit from an angle, when a car is hit while turning, when a vehicle is overturned or when a car is rear ended. Fatal car crashes can also involve sideswipes, large trucks, motorcycles, parked cars, work zones, trains, animals and other types of objects or accidents.
Most fatal car accidents in Illinois occur on city streets and roads, unmarked state routes, county and local roads and state highways.
If A Family Member or Loved One Was Killed or Died In A Fatal Car Accident In Illinois, Contact An Illinois Car Accident Attorney Or Lawyer.
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